티스토리 뷰


The Mysterious Disappearance: The Lost Records of the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty

※ The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty (Joseon Wangjo Sillok) are one of the most comprehensive historical records in the world, documenting over 500 years of Korea’s longest-reigning dynasty. Spanning 1,893 volumes and covering the reigns of 25 kings, these annals provide a detailed account of the daily affairs, statecraft, and notable events of the Joseon period. However, within this vast repository of knowledge lies a mysterious story—a tale of lost records that has puzzled historians for centuries.


The Setting: The Sacred Duty of Record-Keeping

The creation of the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty was a meticulous and sacred task. Specially appointed officials known as "Sillokchung" were responsible for recording the events of each king's reign with utmost accuracy and impartiality. These records were kept secret from the reigning monarch to ensure objectivity and were stored in special archives, or "sago," across the kingdom to protect them from natural disasters or warfare.

The Story: The Lost Annals of King Danjong

One of the most intriguing mysteries surrounding the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty involves the records of King Danjong, the sixth ruler of the dynasty. King Danjong’s reign was brief and tragic—he ascended to the throne at the age of 12 but was soon deposed by his uncle, who became King Sejo. Danjong was eventually exiled and later executed, his short reign marred by political intrigue and betrayal.

The records of King Danjong's reign were compiled as part of the annals, but at some point, they mysteriously vanished. For centuries, historians have debated the cause of this disappearance. Some suggest that the records were deliberately destroyed to erase the memory of Danjong’s tragic fate and legitimize King Sejo’s usurpation. Others believe that the records may have been lost or damaged during one of the numerous invasions and conflicts that plagued the peninsula.

What makes this mystery even more perplexing is that fragments of King Danjong’s annals have been found in various historical texts, suggesting that the records did exist at one point. Yet, the complete set of annals for his reign has never been recovered.

The Discovery: A Glimpse into the Past

In recent years, scholars have uncovered new evidence that sheds light on the fate of the lost annals. A collection of documents discovered in an old Confucian academy hinted that portions of Danjong’s records might have been secretly preserved by loyalists who were sympathetic to the deposed king. These documents include references to events and royal edicts that were not recorded in other historical texts, providing a rare glimpse into a reign that was almost erased from history.

The discovery has reignited interest in the mystery of the lost annals, leading historians to re-examine other obscure documents and local legends in the hope of uncovering more pieces of the puzzle. While the complete records of King Danjong’s reign remain missing, the ongoing search for these lost annals serves as a reminder of the fragile nature of history and the importance of preserving the past.


#Joseon Dynasty #Annals of the Joseon Dynasty #King Danjong #Historical Mystery #Korean History #Lost Records #Historical Discovery #Royal Archives #Korean Monarchs

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