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10 Books on Interview Strategies Every INTJ Should Read to Land Their Dream Job

※ INTJs, often known as "The Architects," are strategic, logical, and ambitious individuals who excel at planning and executing their goals. However, when it comes to job interviews, their natural tendency to focus on efficiency and logic may leave them struggling to connect on an interpersonal level. These 10 books on interview strategies are curated to help INTJs refine their communication skills, navigate social nuances, and present their unique strengths effectively. 😅


1. Cracking the Code to a Successful Interview by Evan Pellett

This book offers a step-by-step guide to mastering the interview process, focusing on clear communication and understanding the employer's perspective—key areas where INTJs can shine.

2. The STAR Interview Method by Misha Yurchenko

INTJs love structure, and this book provides a framework for answering behavioral interview questions using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method. It’s a perfect match for their analytical mindset.

3. Interview Like a Boss by Hans Van Nas

This book emphasizes preparation and confidence, helping INTJs create compelling answers and present themselves as the strategic and reliable candidates they are.

4. Tell Me About Yourself by Holley M. Murchison

INTJs can sometimes find self-promotion uncomfortable. This book teaches them how to tell their story authentically and connect with interviewers on a human level.

5. 96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire by Paul Falcone

Although geared towards hiring managers, this book gives INTJs insight into the interviewer’s mindset, helping them anticipate and address potential questions effectively.


6. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

INTJs can sometimes come across as overly task-focused. This timeless classic offers valuable lessons on building rapport and enhancing interpersonal skills during interviews.

7. What Color Is Your Parachute? by Richard N. Bolles

This comprehensive guide to job searching and interviews helps INTJs align their strategic planning skills with their career goals while preparing for a wide variety of interview formats.

8. Boost Your Interview IQ by Carole Martin

This book provides an extensive collection of practice questions and strategies, helping INTJs prepare thoroughly and adapt to any interview situation.

9. The Complete Job Interview Preparation Guide by Jean Baur

Designed for all aspects of the interview process, this book includes tips on research, communication, and follow-ups, which appeal to INTJs’ love for preparation.

10. The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success by Steven J. Stein and Howard E. Book

Emotional intelligence is crucial for navigating social dynamics in interviews. This book helps INTJs balance their logical approach with emotional awareness, ensuring they leave a positive impression.


For INTJs, job interviews present a unique challenge that goes beyond showcasing their technical skills. By diving into these 10 books, INTJs can refine their interpersonal skills, anticipate questions, and leverage their natural strengths to succeed in interviews. Whether it’s mastering the STAR method or boosting emotional intelligence, these resources will equip INTJs to land their dream job confidently and efficiently.

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